Or you could simply pluck a bloom of your choice, be it Nahor, that strikingly white flower with an enticing yellow bunch of deep yellow stamen, that glows deep enough to rival the sun on a clear Kaziranga morning… Or the brilliantly white Togor perhaps, the one that Bishnu Prasad Rabha, the revered Kalaguru of the Assamese would sing to his love about, in his ‘Nahor phule nuxuwai jodi, togor phule xuwabo…’, meaning ‘if a nahor should not adorn your hair, a togor would…’ Or you could romance the Ejar, the flowers of the tall trees that shade your drive upstream of the Brahmaputra from Guwahati, on your way to Vaani. They’ll be there, appearing on either side of your drive, each flower dainty in its purple, white and yellow, ushering you in. At Vaani, you get to live in one. Nahor, Togor and Ejar are our suites, made special only for you.
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