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That Timeless Search for Self

Welcome to the Butterfly Garden at Vaani Greens and explore a world of rare butterfly species. Our curated garden boasts 375 butterflies, showcasing the rich biodiversity of Assam. Explore rare species of butterflies such as the Indian Yellow-vein Lancer, Grey-lined Lascar, Assamese/Conjoined Lascar, and the Bi-coloured Hedgeblue.

Let your mind settle to the greens of Vaani… Beyond that wait, till, like water, it finds its own level of joy, peace and contentment. Among the many experiences that Vaani Greens and the ambience it creates around you, offers, is Meditation, the Brahma Kumari way. Set forth on a journey of self realisation, space and life the way it is, reaching out to the Supreme Being. Be one with yourself, be one with Nature, and attain what can only be described as true ‘Me’ time…

The many shades of green at Vaani can do wonders, letting you reflect on the cosmos and that all are One. Take a moment to stop, eyes half-closed, listen to the gentle swish of the wind, get a whiff of the vibrant jungle in the breeze, and feel all-pervading Life pulsating with every beat of your heart. Be a monk for a moment, and witness eternity…

A Luxury Getaway

Book your stay for a pristine experience

Click to book your stay at Kanchanjuri Tea Estate, where every moment is a unique blend of serene tea gardens, exhilarating wildlife encounters, and indulgent comfort. Don’t just vacation, create lifelong memories – Reserve your adventure in paradise today!